4 Ways Leaf Guards Can Save You Time, Money And Headaches

4 Ways Leaf Guards Can Save You Time, Money And Headaches

The first signs of fall foliage create mixed emotion for homeowners. The colors are lovely to look at. On the other hand, it also signals the beginning of winter and your gutters are about to get clogged up by falling leaves. If your eyes go from limbs to gutters, a ladder, gloves and a lot of elbow grease can be imagined in your future. But gutter maintenance doesn’t and shouldn’t be difficult. That’s why it’s important to work with an experienced Salt Lake City roofing company. At Vertex Roofing Contractors, we help property owners take a headache out of gutters. We provide roof inspections, maintenance, and repairs if you’ve experienced roof damage such as leaking from clogged gutters. Consider these four reasons why leaf guards make sense for your home.

1. Do The Math On Leaf Guards

Whether you work an hourly or salaried job, the time you put in has value. Installing leaf guards means that your valuable time won’t be spent climbing a ladder and scooping out soggy, decaying leaves from your gutters. This process probably costs you several hours during the late fall and spring. Take the time to calculate the dollar amount you spend clearing out messy gutters year after year of your professional time. Consider that total against the price of a one-time leaf guard installation. Now, add back those hours in leisure time. This isn’t the new math, this is how you are spending your time.

2. Leaf Guards Reduce Property Damage Issues

The single greatest threat to the average home or office building is water. Moisture seeps into buildings and creates a variety of damage. These include rotting beams and the growth of dangerous molds. Gutters are designed to be a front-line defense against water striking the ground level of a structure. However, clogged gutters back up water and can cause moisture penetrations at roof and wall elevations. This may be significantly worse.

Moisture penetration can spur the growth of molds that pose a significant health risk to you and your loved ones. They tend to spread, unseen, behind walls. Once discovered, remediation can require completely gutting portions of your home and your entire roof needing to be replaced. Basically, a stopped-up gutter can create a health hazard and cost you tens of thousands in construction costs.

3. Leaf Guards Help Control Pests

Like molds, nasty insects also flourish with a water source. Pooling water in your gutters is a perfect opportunity for mosquitoes to breed. You probably go to some lengths to enjoy your property during dusk by purchasing and applying insect repellents. You may be providing mosquitoes a place to reproduce by your own inaction.

4. Ice Can Damage Existing Gutters

There’s little doubt that winter can play havoc with your gutter system. The snow accumulates on rooftops, melts and fills the gutters. It doesn’t take much for a few leaves to mix with ice and cause a blockage overnight. Once gutters fill and freeze, they can become too heavy for supports meant to hold flowing water. A best-case scenario may have you replacing sections come spring. Worst-case scenario, you need an entire new gutter system and roof. That’s an unnecessarily high price to pay.

Professional Roof Inspections, Maintenance, and Repairs from Vertex Roofing Contractors SLC

For gutters to be effective, they require some minimal protections as well. By installing leaf guards, you can help your gutters provide the protection you expect, save time, money and prevent a variety of headaches. If you have experienced damage to your roof, Call Vertex Roofing Contractors in Salt Lake City, Utah for more information or a free quote. Our team of professional roofing contractors are trained and certified to inspect the condition of your roof, provide quick and long-lasting repairs, roof replacements and more. Give us a call at 801-639-0477 to see how we can help.

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